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Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024
The Eagle
The Eagle

Senator discusses GOP's losses in 2008 election


The Republican Party lost seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate because it had lost track of its fiscally conservative principles, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., said Wednesday night during a speech in the Kay Spiritual Life Center. During the AU College Republicans-sponsored event, Coburn also spoke about the current economic crisis and congressional earmarks, which he said contributed to the Republicans' losses.

The Eagle

Metro brief

The D.C. school board will be voting this week whether or not to close schools on Jan. 20 for President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration. Schools must decide whether the day should be observed as a holiday or as a teachable moment, according to The Washington Post.

KATRINARITAVILLE EXPRESS - A FEMA trailer used in the Gulf Coast region during the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita was on campus Thursday to raise awareness about the funding the government has allocated to addressing rebuilding of the region.

Trailer questions FEMA action


An unusual vehicle was parked outside Mary Graydon Center Thursday afternoon - a 32-foot "classic" trailer, able to sleep up to eight people and complete with a kitchen and bathroom. But the slogans taped on the trailer's sides - one of which listed the days that have passed since Hurricane Katrina hit land - revealed the trailer's purpose as a traveling classroom.

The Eagle

New club serves a worldwide community

A group of AU students established a new chapter of Nourish International this semester to find ways to alleviate poverty by engaging in worldwide community service projects. Nourish International's primary goal is to focus on one community service project per semester in order to execute it more efficiently than undertaking several at once, according to Celia Daly, the AU chapter's co-founder, co-president and treasurer.

The Eagle

AU named nation's 'most vegetarian-friendly college' in peta2 contest

Peta2 hailed AU as the most vegetarian-friendly school in the country Monday evening. AU edged out Wesleyan University in the final round to gain the top spot in the organization's "Most Vegetarian-Friendly College" contest. Peta2's competition, which went on throughout the month of November, allowed students to vote for the college they thought supplied the most vegetarian-friendly options, The Eagle previously reported.

The Eagle

Congressional offices inundated with Jan. 20 ticket requests

Students planning for the next big political event, the 56th presidential inaugural ceremony on Jan. 20, 2009, have discovered that tickets are difficult to find. Members of the public who want to attend the inaugural ceremonies should contact their congressmen or senators to inquire about tickets, according to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Web site.

The Eagle

Metro calendar

Monday, Nov. 17 Book discussion - William Ayers 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. N.W. METRO: U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial/Cardozo (green line) INFO: Former Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers' relationship with President-elect Barack Obama caused controversy throughout the 2008 presidential election.

YOUTH FOR OBAMA - The number of young voters increased by a slim percentage on the Nov. 4 election. This generation of voters chose President-elect Barack Obama by 68 percent, over Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., 30 percent.

Youth voters favor Obama, up turnout

AU students who voted in this year's election contributed to a record-high turnout of young voters. Between 22 and 24 million young people voted in the election, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, a non-partisan organization based at Tufts University that researches youth's political engagement.

The Eagle

WMATA adds cars

AU students who travel throughout the D.C. area for jobs, internships, dining or general sightseeing via Metrorail could soon encounter changes in the popular Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority service. The WMATA Board of Directors recently decided to expand and improve the system by adding 648 new cars and repairing and revamping 100 existing ones, according to The Washington Post.

AMERICAN FORUM - "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer talks to Cate Minichino, a senior in the School of Communication (lower left), after the forum titled "Politics and Pundits: The Promises of the New Presidency and the Press." The event discussed the e

New media alters election

The 2008 election was historic, "Face the Nation" host and former "CBS Evening News" anchor Bob Schieffer said during an American Forum event Tuesday night. "What we saw on election night was more than just an election, we saw a momentous occasion in the history of our country," he said.

The Eagle

Police blotter

Nov. 5 A community member reported two AU keys were stolen from her while she was at an off-campus store. While at the store, she placed the keys on a table and looked away. When she looked back, the keys were gone. She was advised to contact the Metropolitan Police Department.

The Eagle

Campus calendar

Thursday, Nov. 13 Film: "Global Warming, the Signs and the Science" 12:30-1:30 p.m. WHERE: Bender Library, Media Classroom INFO: The latest documentary in the library's Green on the Screen series profiles people in the United States, Asia and South America who must deal with the consequences of climate change.

The Eagle

International brief

The Queen Elizabeth II ocean liner set sail on its final journey Tuesday, leaving Southampton for its 16-day tour to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The 40-year-old liner will be converted into a floating hotel in Dubai, according to BBC News. Thousands watched as the QE2 left port, dropping one million red Remembrance Day poppies over the side in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I, BBC News reported.

The Eagle

National brief

Circuit City Stores Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Monday following the company's announcement last week that it would close 20 percent of its stores and lay off up to 7,300 employees. The move is an attempt to preserve inventory for the holiday shopping season, according to the Washington Times.

The Eagle

Grad student runs to victory

Andrew Dumm, a graduate student in the School of International Service, said he really had no intention of winning the 33rd annual Marine Corps Marathon Oct. 26, though he emerged victorious from the race. Dumm, who won the marathon in a total of 2 hours, 22 minutes and 44 seconds, said this was his first time running a marathon, but that he has been involved in competitive racing for several years.

The Eagle

Campus brief

Clocks and Clouds, an AU undergraduate student research journal that publishes articles about international relations and public affairs research, released their newest issue Monday night. Professor Richard Bennett in the Department of Justice, Law and Society addressed attendees of the release party and discussed the importance of academic research, according to Molly Kenney, the journal's copy editor.

The Eagle

Metro brief

George Mason University will rename and redesign its mascot, Gunston, this season. The fuzzy, green creature, a favorite among children, will be updated to a "sharper" model, The Washington Post reported. The new, 240-pound mascot is seven feet tall and has a hat size of 29, will debut Monday at GMU's basketball game against Brown University.

The Eagle

Nonprofits attract grads

Some AU students are beginning to join the growing number of young people nation-wide who are forgoing large paychecks to pursue careers in nonprofit work. Social entrepreneurship, the movement of launching nonprofit ventures that attempt to solve specific problems in troubled areas, is growing in popularity among recent college graduates.

The Eagle

Campus brief

The Greenberg Theatre will host the second annual Brazilian Film Week from Thursday through Sunday. The Brazilian Embassy will present the festival with the assistance of Ilda Santiago, the artistic director of the Rio International Film Festival, according to the Brazilian Embassy's Web site.

VEG OUT - AU competes against Georgetown University  in the second round of  PETA2's Most Vegetarian-Friendly Colleges Competition. Today is the last day that students can vote for AU at  Georgetown placed ninth in last year's competition.

AU competes for veggie title

AU beat the University of Richmond to advance out of the first round of peta2's Most Vegetarian-Friendly Colleges Competition Thursday, becoming one of the 16 colleges now in competition for a spot as one of the top ten schools with abundant vegetarian options.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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