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Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024
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The Eagle

Students consider D.C. schools' safety on Election Day


D.C. public schools will remain open on Election Day despite concerns about students' safety in these schools. AU students typically agree with this decision, yet some still worry for children's safety with strangers in their school buildings. A record number of voters are expected to vote this election year, leading some school polling locations to close for the day.

HANGIN' WITH HAGEL - At a Kennedy Political Union event Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., discussed the importance for future politicians to practice diplomacy in U.S. foreign policy.

Hagel calls for U.S. diplomacy


Politicians who take office in January must work to improve America's standing in the world through emphasizing mutual goals between America and other nations, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said at a Kennedy Political Union event Tuesday. "The next leaders of America are going to be required to build on what our great leaders did for the world after World War II and that is to engage," he said.

The Eagle

Domestic Workers comment on Inequality


Myrtle Witbooi and Hester Stephens, representatives of the South African Domestic Service and Allied Workers' Union, stressed during an event Monday night that despite advances in South African law and government, poor black women have seen little change. The panel focused on apartheid, the system of legalized racial separation in South Africa that ended in the early 1990s.

The Eagle

Metro brief

Metro has begun random bag searches on Metrorail trains and Metrobuses to increase rider safety and privacy and minimize delays, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority officials announced Tuesday. The program is not in response to any specific threat, but rather to increase safety before next week's presidential election, according to The Washington Post.

The Eagle

Juicy Campus creator tells all

Juicy Campus creator Matt Ivester said he never anticipated the amount of untrue and hurtful gossip found on the controversial Web site during a speech at Georgetown University Tuesday. It was the first time Ivester has made a public appearance since the Web site went live in August 2007.

The Eagle

International brief

Special U.S. forces raided Syria Sunday, killing a senior Iraqi militant leader responsible for running weapons, money and foreign fighters across the Iraq border, officials told The New York Times. The raid was the boldest U.S. attack since the nation invaded Iraq five years ago, according to The Times.

The Eagle

Calif. students to vote on gay marriage ban

AU students from California will be able to consider Proposition 8, an initiative to ban gay marriage in the state, on their Nov. 4 election ballot. In May, the state's Supreme Court ruled that individuals of the same sex had the right to marry and be recognized by the state, according to information on the California Secretary of State's Web site.

The Eagle

National brief

Two individuals were charged Friday in a foiled killing spree in Tennessee that targeted 102 blacks and was meant to end with the assassination of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, were charged with possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federal firearms licensee and the threatened assassination of a presidential candidate, according to the Washington Times.

The Eagle

Registration simplified with waitlist system

AU students may not face the same difficulties they did with course registration in previous semesters because of improvements to the wait-list system, according to University Registrar Linda Bolden-Pitcher. A major change in the wait-list process was put in place last spring to apply to this fall semester's classes.

BLUE OUT - Sam Hagedorn, a freshman in the School of Public Affairs, speaks at the AU College Democrats' Blue Fest '08, encouraging students to sign up to canvas for Obama in Virginia so that he wins, bringing change to Washington.

Views move left in college

A study on how students' politics change over the course of their time in college has raised discussion at AU about what and who are the most significant influences on a person's political beliefs. College students are decidedly more liberal by the time they reach junior year than they were as freshmen, according to a recent study done by the University of California, Los Angeles' Higher Education Research Institute.

The Eagle

Police blotter

Oct. 21 A Public Safety aide reported an unconscious student in a bathroom. When officers arrived, the student appeared to be intoxicated but was conscious and coherent. The student stated he was not intoxicated but was suffering from a severe stomach ailment.

The Eagle

Baylor buys SAT scores

Baylor University's recent discontinuation of a policy to compensate students for retaking the SATs prompted discussion about the emphasis colleges place on nationwide rankings. The university, located in Waco, Texas, offered incoming freshman students $300 in bookstore credit to retake the SATs this past June.

The Eagle

Core Survey shows AU drinks above national average rate

AU students drink alcohol more often and in greater numbers than average college students nationwide, according to results of a college drug and alcohol survey made available Friday. More than 50 percent of surveyed AU students reported binge drinking in the last two weeks, according to the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, which AU administered in February.

The Eagle

Economy spurs enrollment concerns for '09

AU professors are currently uncertain of exactly how the economic crisis will affect enrollment for the 2009-2010 academic year. "With parents' stock portfolios plummeting, it makes private schools look out of reach with their tuition," said Martha Starr, an economics professor in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Eagle

National brief

NEW ASSESSMENT TEST REVEALED FOR FALL The College Board, which owns the SAT and PSAT, announced Wednesday they will debut a new high school assessment test in the fall. The test is anticipated to better prepare eighth graders to face the challenges of high school and college-level courses, according to The New York Times.

The Eagle

Bank robber still on the loose

AU Public Safety Chief Michael McNair sent an e-mail Oct. 20 to the AU community asking for assistane in identifying a suspect in connection with an Oct. 2 robbery at a Bank of America branch by the Washington College of Law. "The bank branch is one frequented by members of the AU Community and the neighborhood, [and] it was hoped that someone recognized the suspect," he said in the e-mail.

The Eagle

Alpha Kappa Psi holds business competition

Alpha Kappa Psi, AU's professional business fraternity, held its first Pentathlon event Saturday in an effort to take the business skills they have learned in their Kogod School of Business classrooms and apply them to real life situations, according to the fraternity's President Myca Ferrer.

EVACUATION - The Metropolitan Police Department forced students, staff and family members to leave Bender Arena, Butler Pavilion and Mary Graydon Center on Saturday afternoon after an abandoned briefcase on the parking garage's fourth floor was suspected

Scare clears complex

A bomb scare interrupted AU's Family and Alumni Weekend, cancelled a Kennedy Political Union event and raised concern over AU's safety for several hours Saturday afternoon. An undisclosed person left a briefcase, which was later found to contain photo equipment, on the fourth floor of the parking garage adjacent to Bender Arena and the Butler Pavilion.

The Eagle

Free speech forum angers AU audience

The AU Objectivists' free speech forum ended in boos and snickers Thursday as many audience members stormed out of the room and threw their hands up in disgust due to the comments the panelists made regarding Islam. The forum sought to discuss the role of free speech in a free society and how totalitarian Islam was a threat to that principle.

The Eagle

S.E. Asian cultures celebrated

The South Asian Student Association celebrated AU diversity with a variety show of South Asian culture and a night of dancing at its first annual cultural show Friday night in the Tavern. Jalwa, held the weekend of the Indian festival Diwali, represented different aspects of primarily Indian culture, with acts including an ongoing humorous skit about arranged marriage, classical Indian dance and an energy-filled Bollywood performance.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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