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Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024
The Eagle
The Eagle

Former AU student faces prison sentence in drunk driving case


An AU student received a prison sentence after being charged last summer for driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident in Long Island. Sayed Khaled El-Waraky, 20, was sentenced in late August to 1 1/3 to four years in prison. Justice Joseph Calabrese sentenced El-Waraky and recommended he be held for the maximum amount of time allowed, according to Newsday, a Long Island and New York City newspaper.

The Eagle

SG execs provide Senate with summer reports


The Undergraduate Senate held its first regular meeting of the semester Sunday afternoon, the main focus of which was receiving reports from Student Government executives about their work over the summer months. SG President Joe Vidulich cited expansion of the number of vendors that accept EagleBuck$ and creation of a women's resource center on campus as two of his main goals for the year.

The Eagle

National Brief

President Bush made an unexpected visit to Iraq Monday and said the number of U.S. troops may be reduced if security continually improves, The Associated Press reported. Bush and his war cabinet, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, met with U.


Fenty commends FSE participants

AU students involved in this year's Freshman Service Experience received a crash course in the issues facing America's urban areas, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty said last Thursday during a speech in Bender Arena. Fenty spoke during FSE's closing ceremony, which ended a three-day period in which 475 freshmen volunteered at 37 sites around the D.

The Eagle

AU alum relies on strangers for travel

Matt Danzico, a 2005 graduate of the School of Communication, will spend this fall learning to make beer in a basement bathtub in El Paso, Texas, snowboarding with a stranger in Vail, Colo., and working a day on a professional wrestling tour in the Midwest.

OPENING A NEW YEAR- President-elect Neil Kerwin speaks at opening convocation Friday about the end results of an AU education.

Kerwin discusses future of AU

University President-elect Neil Kerwin sat down with Editor in Chief Lauren Gardner to talk about his vision for AU and the changes he would like to make to the university, among other topics. EIC: Outline your vision for AU for me. What exactly is it that you would like to see change this year for the university? Kerwin: Well I think it's important to understand, to start with, that when I talked with the [presidential] search committee, with the board, about American University, I started with the assumption that this is a very strong institution, so much of what we have to do in the coming year is to ensure that the fundamental strengths of the institution are bolstered and improved.

The Eagle

AU places 85th in 2008 U.S. News rankings

In the recently released 2008 edition of U.S. News and World Report's "America's Best Colleges" issue, American University tied for 85th place among the top national universities. U.S. News and World Report has been ranking schools for the past 20 years and examines more than 1,400 different schools across the nation.

FIGHT FOR MYANMAR- AU students joined 40 to 50 other people at a protest at the Myanmar Embassy last week. The protesters were demonstrating against the Myanmar government's crackdown on protests in that country over rising oil and gas prices.

Students protest Myanmar gov't

About 15 AU students attended a demonstration last week to protest the Myanmar government's crackdown on protests in their country. The demonstration was held across the street from the Myanmar embassy on S Street last Thursday. About 40 to 50 people, including some children and several Myanmar refugees, attended the protest.

The Eagle

Renovations to Nebraska, MGC complete

AU reopened Nebraska Hall and the first floor of Mary Graydon Center this month after crews finished renovations at both locations. There were four long-term goals for the renovation of MGC's first floor, Michael Elmore, senior director of the University Center, said in an e-mail.

The Eagle

Students face penalties for use of Web writing services

Custom writing services, businesses that sell pre-made essays, may ease students' lives, but AU students who use them may face stiff penalties. One company,, offers several types of written assignments in 14 subjects to students from high school through Ph.

The Eagle


Campus SPA doctoral program named best in area An article in the July issue of "PS: Political Science and Politics," lists AU's School of Public Affairs' political science doctoral program as the best in Washington, as announced by President Neil Kerwin in an Aug.

The Eagle

AU senior named student trustee-elect

The board of trustees' Trusteeship Committee members selected Marc Tomik as their nominee for student trustee, according to Tomik and Student Government President Joe Vidulich. Tomik, a senior in the School of Public Affairs, is a former program associate in AU's University College program and served as treasurer of the AU Screamin' Eagles Pep Band during the last school year.

The Eagle

Health care options abound for students

Close quarters, stress, late nights and risky behavior often leave college students prone to illness, but AU students have options both on- and off-campus to meet their health care needs. On-campus, every AU student has access to the Student Health Center.

The Eagle

Jewish studies senior dies in sleep

Ivy Jane Zola, an AU senior in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Jewish studies and music, died in her sleep Friday night in Potomac, Md., according to an e-mail Gail Hanson, vice president of campus life, sent to AU staff. Zola, 22, died at her family's home on the 9400 block of Lost Trail Way, according to the e-mail.

The Eagle

AU to enforce rules for alcohol

AU students will now be subject to disciplinary action by the university when police cite them for underage drinking or other crimes that occur off campus, Dean of Students Faith Leonard wrote in a letter that will be released to students tomorrow. "I am writing to remind you that a 'violation of local, state or federal law' is a violation of the Student Conduct Code (Section VI, H).

The Eagle

WCL gets e-mail bomb threats

The Washington College of Law was searched around 10 p.m. Tuesday night after three e-mails received around 2:30 p.m. indicated there were bombs in the building, according to Michael McNair, chief of AU public safety. No explosives were found. Officials waited to search the building until classes were over for the day because there was no concrete information about a date or time in the e-mail and because several other colleges have received similar e-mails that proved to be hoaxes in the last few weeks, according to McNair.

ART AS SERVICE- Freshman Celia Daly helps finish working on a mosaic mural in a 12th Street tunnel in downtown D.C. Daly and the rest of her group were working with City Arts, a nonprofit arts organization.

475 students volunteer in D.C. communities

Last week, 475 freshmen volunteered with the Freshman Service Experience, a three day long program that allowed them to do community service at 37 sites across the D.C. metropolitan area. The program has drastically grown since 35 students participated in the first FSE in 1990.

The Eagle

Campus Calendar

Death and the Maiden 8 p.m. WHERE: Abramson Family Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center INFO: A play presented by the Department of Performing Arts. Tickets cost $5 to $15. CONTACT: For more information, visit

DELAYED CONSEQUENCES- SIx AU students were notified by the university Friday that they would be served with warrants for their arrests stemming from the April incident pictured above. At the time, 16 students attempted to block White House aide Karl Rove'

Students may face arrest over protest

A U.S. Attorney's office, acting on behalf of the Secret Service, notified AU it was issuing arrest warrants against six students involved in the protest against White House aide Karl Rove that occurred in April, according to Sara Waldron, associate dean of students.

The Eagle

AU senior dies at family home

Ivy Zola, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, died Friday night in Potomac, Md., according to an e-mail Vice President of Campus Life Gail Hanson sent to AU staff. Zola, 22, died in her family's home on the 9400 block of Lost Trail Way, according to the e-mail.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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