Circulating photo of Sylvia Burwell unmasked at fundraising event was taken outside, officials confirm
Social media post sparks student outcry
Social media post sparks student outcry
Raskin discusses trauma and democracy in the newly published book
The celebration will look different this year because of operational and COVID-19 related changes
Founders Week to focus on individual and AU-wide community building
Curious students of all backgrounds are encouraged to join, celebrate and learn more about Southeast Asian culture
Students created the organization to represent and advocate for Indigenous students and communities
Students cite financial concerns, cheaper off-campus housing in decision
Students grapple with everything from engagement in lab classes to hybrid music lessons
The change applies only to night shifts and will last one semester
Kennedy Political Union and Women’s Initiative hosted the conversation with SOC professor
‘It’s something that I know I am making difference in my community’
‘Israel as a Jewish Democratic State: Vision and Challenges’ lecture draws concern from student organizations
AU Kitchen admin discussed sustainability and dietary restrictions
Norton addressed locals’ concerns and getting Build Back Better passed in the Senate
Unresponsive bosses and a lack of support from the University contribute to problems, students say
Women & Politics Institute hosts Women on Wednesdays webinar
As Omicron wave eases, bus drivers are returning to work
Changes to ANC and SMD borders could increase student representation
Campaign has raised more than half of $500 million goal so far, officials say
The new program is helping students purchase items such as mobility aids and braces