Student reactions to the question on heterosexual unions
Guest columnist Kerri Axelrod says that Aramark workers have been left behind. When Hurricane Isabel hit, classes were cancelled and most faculty and staff stayed at home with one exception - "essential employees" - which include our Aramark custodial workers. Unfortunately, the AU community often overlooks those workers we cannot do without.
Due to a recent survey on drug use, the University has decided to form a "task force" in an effort to bring AU's alcohol and drug use down to or below the national average. Though reduced drug abuse is unarguably a good thing, The Eagle wonders if this task force is acting in the best interests of students, parents or the University's image.
Even using a friend's ID to buy alcohol at a liquor store or a bar is defined as a misrepresentation of identity. Today, with increased arrests, there is an even higher probability of arrest with the misuse of an ID.
Guest columnist Michael Lewis believes that corruption in the United States can be seen everywhere. From illegal accounting practices to people finding loopholes to avoid paying taxes, we as a society always try to get around doing the right thing and avoiding the consequences of our bad decisions. Some politicians have made a career out of lying to their constituents to please the needs of their friends or for personal gain.
Regular opinion columnist Josh Kraushaar says that social justice is gradually being achieved in Iraq.
File-sharing and music downloading is still theft because of its effect on the industry and the artist.
Guest columnist Bradley J. Vasoli comments on Howard Dean's use of "patriotism" in contrast with application on the right.
On my wall in the Student Confederation office hangs a pin stating the word "civitas." It is a token of the Office of Campus Life's new campaign to encourage civility on campus, but to also define civility. Civility, the simple act of conducting oneself as a positive and polite member of the community, was completely void the evening of the hurricane.
I think there would be little argument in the statement that the years spent by many traditional undergraduates in university are formative and developmental years. After spending the majority of our lives learning the values of our close family and friends, a time comes where we determine which of those values fit appropriately with our own moral structures, as well as to incorporate new values.
For our Thursday debate Evan Wagner argues the merits of the California recall.
According to Adam Montgomery, the East Coast media corporations have turned the purest form of democracy into a carnival.
As I sat in my room and read the newspapers on Sept. 11, 2003, a very strange thought flashed through my head. While I viewed the pictures of commemorative events and read the stories of memorial services, I wondered, "When will September 11 be a date on the calendar? When will it slip far enough away from our minds to establish its place in our day planners and Palm Pilots?" Gregg Zoroya and Rick Hampson of USA Today were correct in their Sept.
The Eagle Editorial Board gives its Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down choices for the week.
Liberal Columnist Corey Parker discuss President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" initiative.